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2009 UW-Eau Claire Blugold Invite

Whitetail Golf Course, Colfax, WI
October 2, 2009

Men's Results | Women's Results

Printable Meet Information | Directions To Whitetail Golf Course

Women's 6K Course Map | Men's 8K Course Map

RACE INFO: Women's 6K race - 4:00 PM, Men's 8K race - 5:00 PM

Starting Procedures for each race: 30-20-10-5-1 minutes prior, the announcer will state minutes to race time. 10 minutes prior start area is cleared out and all athletes are to report to the line.

Entries/Fees: The entry fee is $150/team/gender.($300 for combined Women’s and Men’s program, $10 per unattached, Alumni are free). Entries will be done online at www.pttiming.com.  Entries will close at 9:00 PM on Wednesday, September 30.

Dan Schwamberger - Office: (715) 836-2649, schwamdj@uwec.edu
Chip Schneider - Office: (715) 836-5016, schnechi@uwec.edu

COURSE: The course will be single lined and flagged throughout. Each 1600 will be marked (1600, 3200, 6400, etc.).

PARKING: Teams can park in the golf course club house area. Additional parking for spectators is available at Whitetail Golf Course driving range for a fee.

RESULTS: At the completion of the race, unofficial results will be posted. Results will be available at www.uwecblugolds.com and www.pttiming.com.

TRAINERS: Our training staff will be at the Whitetail Golf Course beginning at 2pm.

CHIP TIMING: The chip timing system will be used. Each athlete will receive 2 chips. These chips must be turned in 30 minutes after the race in the zip lock baggie that is in your meet packet. This baggie is marked with your school name and the total number of chips that must be returned. When athletes finish the race, instruct them to run through the finish line and keep moving out the corral which is 35m deep and 10 feet wide.
~Instruct your athletes to continue to move through the corral area to prevent any backup at the finish line.

AWARDS: Top 25 athletes will receive a t-shirt. The winning teams will receive a team plaque.

SHOWERS: Showers are available at the UWEC McPhee Athletic Building.

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Athletics • McPhee 208 • Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004

Phone: (715) 836-3062
Questions/Comments: UW-Eau Claire Sports Information