Women's Golf All-Conference Kate Borman
2006-07 (2nd) Kate Engler
2011-12 (2nd) Mandy Gavin
1996-97 Lauren Gault
2008-09 (2nd), 2010-11 (2nd) Stacy Groettum
1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99 Kelly Harper
1997-98*, 1998-99, 1999-00, 2000-01 Jamie Hauser
2009-10 (2nd), 2010-11 (2nd) Katie Hommen
1999-00 Torie Ives
2006-07 (1st)*, 2007-08 (2nd), 2008-09 (1st), 2009-10 (2nd) Susan Karlman
2003-04* Stacy Kyes
1996-97 Maggie Lattery
2010-11 (2nd), 2011-12 (2nd) Maggie Loney
2002-03 (1st), 2003-04 (1st), 2004-05 (POY)*, 2005-06 (POY)* Sara Mattes
2009-10 (2nd), 2010-11 (POY)*, 2011-12 (1st) Katie Maurer
2008-09 (1st)*, 2009-10 (1st)*, 2010-11 (2nd) Maureen Montbriand
2001-02 Kristi Moss
2000-01*, 2001-02 Jennifer Prock
2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03 (POY), 2003-04 (2nd) Courtney Sletten
1999-00 Meghan Sobotta
2004-05 (1st), 2005-06 (1st), 2006-07 (1st), 2007-08 (1st)* Andrea Springer
1998-99 Emily Swift
2008-09 (2nd), 2009-10 (1st), 2010-11 (1st), 2011-12 (1st) Katie Swift
2009-10 (2nd) Jesse Thompson
2004-05 (1st), 2005-06 (1st), 2006-07 (1st) Catherine Wagner
2009-10 (1st), 2010-11 (1st), 2011-12 (1st) From 1996-97 until 2001-02, the All-Conference team was comprised of the Top 8 finishers at the conference championship and only consisted of a 1st Team. *WIAC Championship Medalist Page Last Updated: 5/15/2012 |